Time Management: Pomodoro Technique


The Pomodoro Technique simplifies time and task management with a single, simple tool: a timer.

Follow these steps to maximize your work sessions with the Pomodoro Technique:

1. Choose your timer. The Pomodoro Technique is based using a physical timer - originally it was a tomato-shaped kitchen timer - but truth be told - any timer will do. My favorite is a square shaped timer called the “Time Timer”. You can get it on Amazon for about $25.00. You can also use a computer based or phone based timer. It is best to have it visually in front of you.

2. Track the number of sessions you complete.

·  Use a sticky note, notepad, scratch paper, or your computer

        Use check boxes or scratch marks to track each session you complete

3.    Set your timer for 25 minutes. That’s the standard Pomodoro time frame. You can set it for longer (and many do). Brendon Burchard advocates a 50/10 minute rhythm. Eben Pagan espouses the power of working for 90 minutes uninterrupted.

·         While the timer is “ticking”, work without distractions. Don’t let yourself veer off course. This is the beauty of the technique. Staying focused is the whole point of having the timer (and maybe the ticking).

4.      When the timer goes off, stop and take a break. Your break should last at least 5 minutes, but should be kept short.

5.        After completing 4 successful Pomodoro 25 min. sessions, take a longer break.

·         Now is a good time for a 30-minute break, a snack, or even a short nap to recharge

6.        Repeat with sets of 4 sessions until your project or work-day is done

Did you find this useful? Time to go on Amazon and order your timer….. And please share it with someone else who will enjoy it too!

Joe Mitchell, is a High Performance Coach, who has logged over 35 years of in-depth study of personal and spiritual development. In his studies, he has done hundreds of self development courses, spiritual retreats and health related workshops. He is a certified yoga teacher, meditation teacher, EFT Practitioner, NLP Practitioner and a graduate of three coaching academies. He was also a member of a religious order for 5 years. In 2016, after a 20 year career as a criminal and personal injury attorney, he decided to turn his heart's passion into a career as a Success Coach, Motivational Speaker and Trainer. For information on Joe’s programs, high performance videos and  to apply for a Free High Performance Session click the following link http://www.activateyourgreatness.com/free-session